Monday, April 19, 2010

A much needed break

We were lucky enough to get to go on a trip for spring break this year! We split the cost of a condo with another family and headed down to Carillon Beach, FL (between Panama City and Destin). The first few days were windy, but the end of the week was beautiful and the kids (and adults) loved every minute of it!
I always force Josh and the kids to get dressed up and take a nice family pic whenever we go on vacation.

The cutest little wedgie I ever saw!

Zeke enjoying the sand.

They had so much fun together.

Zeke in the sand chair that Josh and the kids made.

Falling in the sand never looked so good!
Lunch at Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville.
Spring Break photo shoot

On the last day of our trip, the condo complex where we stayed had "Easter on The Beach." Zeke and Harper had so much fun in the bounce houses and on the inflatable slide. Mr. and Mrs. Easter Bunny were also there.

This is my favorite pic EVER!

Harper followed the Easter bunnies around the whole time.
Funny Bunny glasses!
Zeke found the golden egg at the Easter egg hunt and won this HUGE basket of sand toys!
So we headed to the beach one last time and built this sand castle.


  1. Seriously Moni, your kids could not be any cuter :) So glad you had a great time!

  2. What a beautiful family you have! The kids have gotten so big!

    Deb Mennel
