Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A place where there isn't any troubles...

Have I ever mentioned that there is a Wizard of Oz obsession in our home? Well there is, and I completely forgot to post pictures of the most recent musical that we have attended. A few weeks ago, my mom and I took Zeke and Harper as well as my nephews Carter and Charlie to have a day of Oz fun. Speedway High School (from which I graduated) presented The Wizard of Oz (my favorite musical) and also hosted a Wizard of Oz breakfast! Of course I could not miss a chance to spend a day Wizard of Ozing with my kiddos.

Harper was in her element!

The weekend before the Wizard of Oz fun, we attended Peter Pan at Greenfield-Central High School. The kids had a blast there too and were amazed that Peter could really fly. They were very disappointed, however, that they couldn't even after Peter sprinkled them with pixie dust after the show!